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Fulfill a Refund
Fulfill a Refund

Learn how to make a refund when the customer ordered an incorrect product or made an overpayment.

Wendy Scott avatar
Written by Wendy Scott
Updated over a week ago

Customers require refunds usually when you have overcharged them and need to repay a certain amount, when the product did not meet their expectations, the company shipped a wrong item, and so on. Note that you can refund only those products which were purchased on Credit Card.

Here's how to fulfill a refund from your Partner webpage.

  1. Navigate the Orders on the left sidebar.

  2. Go to Delivered Orders section.

  3. Find the code of the order which needs a refund.

  4. Click on the Refund button on the upper right corner.

  5. Choose the Payment Method.

  6. Write down the amount that you need to refund.

  7. Write down the reason for the refund.

  8. Click on the Refund button to finish.

Good job, you have successfully made a refund! Your customer will get an email about it in a minute. You can also learn how to collect orders on your iOS and Android apps.

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