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Collect shipping orders
Collect shipping orders

Learn how to collect shipping orders, pick shipping boxes and print labels.

Wendy Scott avatar
Written by Wendy Scott
Updated over a week ago

Once you've enabled shipping in your store and created shippable products, you'll start receiving shipping orders. These may be a little different from regular orders, because after collection, the order has to be put in a box with a shipping label.
In order to collect a shipping order follow the steps below:

1. Pick an active order and click Confirm.

2. Click Start to begin the collection process.

3. Collect all items in the order. Click Yes when the item is put in a bag/box.

4. Add packs if needed and click Finish.

5. Once all items are collected, click Pack order.

6. Pick a shipping box. If you haven't created any boxes yet, click Add New.

7. Using the checkboxes on the right, select products and click the dropdown on the left to put these items in a box.

8. Once the products are grouped in boxes, click Recalculate shipping.

9. Choose a suitable shipping rate from the list and click Buy Shipping Label.

10. The label is ready. Now print it out and stick it to the shipping box.

That's it! Here's how you collect shipping orders.

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